NYE sucks & 2013 in Review

I love the holidays.  Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day...  They are all awesome.  Except New Year's.  I HATE New Years.

Don't get me wrong - I'm all for the calendar changing and everyone feeling like they have a fresh start.  Plus, I enjoy reading nostalgic end of year status updates.  

I just hate everything else about it.  Like how if you don't have plans everyone kind of judges you.  And how you have to get dressed up and go have an expensive dinner at some crowded restaurant.  Or go to a NYE party with a bunch of people you tried to avoid all year.  Or worse yet - the NYE bar gathering where everyone is hammered and thinks they have the right to hug you.  

Well actually I lied.  That's not really what I hate about NYE.  That's kind of fun.  I hate the 12:01am letdown.  You know what I'm talking about.  Everyone is having a great night, sharing memories from the year.  The countdown begins and everyone is wearing those festive hats and sunglasses, screaming the numbers at the tops of their lungs.  Then it's midnight and everyone screams "Happy New Years!" and kiss.  Then the cell phones come out and no one can understand why they can't get through to their mom.  

Then it's 12:01.  And everyone just kind of looks at each other like, "Okay, now what?"  The desserts are put away to accommodate that  person who's just started their diet.  And you can't bum cigarettes off your friends anymore unless you pick them out of the trash can, because they've just quit, "for real this time."  Sadly, you realize you were wrong about those drunk people being hilarious. Then people start leaving, so you decide to leave too.  It is 12:30 after all, and you have a big day ahead of you of watching the Twilight Zone marathon.

And let's face it, driving anywhere on NYE is terrifying.  Drunk drivers are a major concern of mine and I'm wary of every single other car on the road after 8pm.  Plus there are so many checkpoints that I get paranoid that I'll get arrested, even though I haven't drank alcohol in four years and spent the entire night drinking soda. It could totally happen.  

So what I'm saying here is- BE SAFE.  Try to have a good time.  And don't feel bad about going home at 10:30.  NYE is a lot nicer being home and snuggled up with your family.

Here is my 2013 in Review:

By far, 2013 was one of the most monumental years in my life.  Oddly though, it never felt like anything huge was going on, it just always felt like I was where I needed to be.  

We started the year by taking little miss to DisneyWorld.  Saying she loved it is an understatement.  She spent the rest of the year collecting change in our "Disney bank" so that we could go back.  The summer vacation for two weeks down the shore was also fabulous, but she hasn't been saving up for that.  She's still angry at the seagulls for trying to steal her fruit snacks.

Marc and I got married and had the most adorable flower girl in the universe.  Oddly being married doesn't feel any different than living in sin, but don't tell my uncle the priest I said that.  

Marc graduated law school, took the BAR exam for two states, and passed both.  He also began working as a lawyer.  He also got his first personalized Christmas tree ornament.

Arianna had her first dance recital, started preschool, and learned to read.  She said she spent the year "having fun."  She can write her name now and continues to ask for a kitten on a daily basis.  A female tuxedo kitten named Melody, to be exact.  She has also become an avid party planner whose playdates have become extremely lucrative for Party City.

And then there's me.  I finally graduated and have my teaching certificate.  It was a long time coming thats for sure.  I also started reading the "Classics," although right now I'm reading a hilarious memoir by Jenny Lawson.  (And for those of you who follow me on Facebook, I peed out that kidney stone last night, so I'm good now.)

I'm hopeful for 2014.  My sweet doggie will be turning 10 which brings oh my god she's going to die in a few years tears to my eyes.  Arianna will be turning 4, which means we better start working on baby number two.  Or get her a kitten.  We haven't decided yet.  Marc and I will continue working in our career paths and start saving up for that mansion I've had my eye on.  (Yeah, I can totally be delusional.  It's a New Year's Resolution, aren't they all delusional?)  And I already quit smoking (two days ago), for real this time.  Oh I'm also totally excited about planning vacations this year.  I love vacation.  

Regardless of what 2014 brings, as long as I have my family, it'll be a great year.


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