Summer Reading

When I was a junior in high school I gave up TV. I was busy, I had no time for such a ridiculous waste of time. I had phone calls to make, illegally downloaded napster music to listen to and books to read. 

There was only one exception... On Sunday night, I plugged my little bedroom TV in so I could watch Sex and the City.

(Let's all break here to laugh at how busy I thought I was in high school.)

Eventually I got back into TV but it was always second choice behind reading. I've always loved to read. Actual books. None of that ebook nonsense. I love the feel of a book in my hand, the promise of adventure and escape.

But as I've gotten older and life has (actually) been busy, reading has taken a backseat to pretty much everything. I've missed it.

So here's my summer stack. Six books from my bookshelf that I have been trying to read for far too long. I'm going to make time this summer, somehow.

What are you reading this summer? And more importantly - how to do you find time to read??

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