Getting Pregnant the Scientific Way

I don't like to start any project unless I know what I'm doing.  Trying to make a baby was no exception.

Getting pregnant with Arianna was easy.  She was a surprise.  A happy accident that resulted from passion.  Sure, trying to make a baby the passionate way was an option.  But really.  Who has time for that?  I was already a year behind, I couldn't waste any more time.

So I bought a few books on the topic and got reading.  Then I bought 20 pregnancy tests.  And then 100 ovulation test strips.  And a basal thermometer.  Then obviously an app to track it all.

Marc thought I was crazy.  And I'm sure horribly unromantic.   But it's not like I brought the pee sticks into bed or anything.  

It took me a few weeks to get the hang of the whole thing.  I knew the first month was just practice as I figured my way through the process.  I also knew that I misread the ovulation tests and got my "peak" day incorrect.  But no matter how logical I was, getting my period that month still really sucked.

The next month, however, I did everything right.  And had three positive pregnancy tests to prove it.


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